<가그린>구강청결제로 무좀치료까지 할 수 있는 다양한 활용법





구강청결제는 입 속 세균억제와 충치예방, 입냄새 제거에만 쓰인다고 생각하셨죠?
구강청결제를 당연히 입 헹굼(?)에만 사용해왔는데, 살균과 냄세제거가 필요한 여러곳에 할용할 수 있다.
리스테린은 1879년 제품이 출시 될 때 주로 수술용 살균제로 사용되었다가 1910년대 구강청결제로 판매하기 시작



1. 칫솔살균
구강청정제에 칫솔모를 담가두면 즉시 살균이 된다.
머리 감을때 샴푸랑 리스테린이랑 약간 섞어서 부드럽게 두피 마사지를 하고 난 후, 씻으면 비듬예방에 좋다.
욕실, 변기 청소
변기에서 냄새가 나거나 욕실에서 퀘퀘한 냄새가 날 때, 리스테린을 분문기에 넣어 뿌린다.
곰팡이랑 세균 등의 박테리아 제거효과가 좋다.
, 시중에 판매되는 욕실세정제에 비해 구강청결제 가격이 비싼편이니 좀 부담스럽다.)
여름철 모기나 벌레 등에 물렸을때 구강청결제를 살짝 바라주면 가려움이 감소되고 소독 효과까지 있다.
쓰레기통 냄새 방지
쓰레기통 바닦에다가 종이타올이나 휴지를 깔아놓고 그 위에 리스테린을 뿌려놓으면 쓰레기 냄새가 확연히 줄어든다.



6. 체취감소
구강청결제를 화장솜에 적신뒤에 겨드랑이를 닦으면, 땀냄새가 줄어든다.
7. 무좀치료 (주의필요)
물에 구강청결제 리스테린을 조금 섞어 놓고 10분 내외 정도 무좀이 생긴 발을 담군다.
발톱 등에 색이 일정시간 리스테린 영향으로 변할 수 있다는 점 참고하세요!
리스테린도 이렇게 비슷한 효능을 가지고 있다고 합니다. 살균소독 효과때문이겠죠?
손발톱 무좀으로 고생하신 분들은 식초를 물에 타 발을 담궈 무좀을 치료하는 민간요법도 있다.
무좀치료는 의사의 처방이 좋습니다!
또는 약사와의 상담으로 약으로 치료하세요!
스마트폰 소독
어린아이들도 스마트폰 자주 사용하는데 스마트폰이 화장실 세균보다도 세균이 더 많다는 사실!
구강청결제를 물티슈에 적셔서 닦아주면 살균기능으로 스마트폰을 소독해주는 효과가 있다.



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Posted by 하나로 시작되고 하나로 끝나니라

<소책자 신청(무료)>

<Tae-eul Mantra>Tae-eul Mantra Meditation: Advice for beginners  


 The Tae-eul Mantra is a healing mantra which contains the energy of every medicine and cures all diseases of the human mind and body when it is chanted with one mind (il-shim). Sahng-jeh-nim and Tae-mo-nim taught that this mantra is to be used at the time of gae-byuk. Chanting the Tae-eul Mantra allows the practitioner to become one with the universe by summoning the original ancestor of all beings in heaven and earth, awakening the practitioner to the creative world of the spirits.
 1. Offerings, Bows, and Prayers
 To enhance your spiritual experience during meditation, prepare a bowl of water and perform sa-bae-shim-go (four bows and a prayer). The bowl of water symbolizes the purification of body, mind, and spirit and is an offering of qi to the spirits. Sahng-jeh-nim taught that during meditation one should direct the gaze upon the bowl of water with ‘inner eyes open and outer eyes closed’ (Dojeon 3:88:9). By bowing, we show respect to Sahng-jeh-nim, Tae-mo-nim, and other spirits as we unite our human virtue with the virtue of heaven and earth. By offering a personal prayer before meditation, we reflect upon, and ask forgiveness for, shortcomings, and we also express our intentions to heaven and earth.
 2. Posture
 During meditation, your body should be relaxed with good posture. As you kneel or sit cross-legged, keep your back straight, your chin slightly tucked in, and your shoulders slightly back. If your legs get tired, change from a kneeling to a sitting position, or vice-versa, but try to keep your back straight while doing so. The spine is the main channel for the flow of qi within the body and is a conduit for receiving the qi of heaven and earth. If the back is crooked, this qi does not flow well. Also, because the body and mind are one, there is a direct relationship between mental and physical posture. If you find that your mind is wandering during meditation, check your posture. When the back is not straight, the mind tends to lose focus.
 3. The Central Energy Point
 Different schools of meditation recog-nize various focal points. In Jeung San Do, it is recommended that you direct your consciousness inward toward the lower dantian, a central energy point located below the navel. While doing this, imagine the sound of the mantra permeating your entire body.
 4. Abdominal Breathing
 Breathe from the lower abdomen. As you exhale, the lower abdomen goes in; as you inhale, the lower abdomen goes out. It is important to do this in a natural way, not tensing or forcing the stomach muscles. Before long, you will feel any stress-related tension in your chest dissipate as fire energy descends and water energy rises.
 5. Methods of Chanting
 There are three basic methods of chanting: chanting aloud with a resonant voice, chanting softly to yourself, and chanting silently within your mind. Chanting aloud is the most effective way to experience the vibration of the mantra’s sound, but it may be necessary to practice soft or silent chanting when the sound may disturb those around you. You can use all three methods in your daily practice.
 6. Sound and Mindset
 While chanting, keep your mind positive and keep your mantra’s sound bright. Your mindset and the manner in which you chant determine the kind of energy and the sort of spirit that respond to you.
 7. Non-discriminating Mind
 Tae-sa-bu-nim teaches that when meditating, “Do not think of goodness. Do not think of badness.” This describes the state of non-discriminating mind, which allows a practitioner to become one with the universe. Do not think of yourself as good or bad, do not think of others as good or bad, do not think of any phenomena as good or bad. Just be natural.
 8. When to Meditate
 Any time is a good time to meditate, but the best times for meditation are in the early morning and late evening. In the morning, you receive the activating yang energy of a new day, and in the evening, you receive the yin energy that brings perfect rest.
 9. Chant Continuously
 To extend the peacefulness and energy of meditation throughout the day, continu-ously chant in your mind while carrying out your daily activities.
 This brief guide cannot do more than suggest general principles of meditation, because spiritual pursuits like meditation must be learned by the individual, for the individual. For this reason, guidance in meditation is best gained within a learning environment such as a dojang, in which an instructor can directly teach beginners the methods of meditation best suited to their individual needs.

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Posted by 하나로 시작되고 하나로 끝나니라